The way the transparency is rendered on blogger is driving me nuts. I can't seem to figure it out, so I've included a link to a larger version of the image, available for download...
There are only a handful of media through which to express and communicate ideas: Paintings and Drawings, Sculptures, and Spoken or Written Language. However, two of these three are inherently flawed as a medium to circulate ideas and emotion. Spoken or Written Language as a medium cannot be universally understood and generally carries cultural meanings that would fall short on those who are unfamiliar or uninitiated; A middle-man interpreter is generally needed for spoken or written texts to cross cultural and language barriers. Sculptures are static and generally can only be viewed by those who seek them out. However, paintings and drawings transcend these flaws. For the modern age, Photoshop empowers anyone to create aesthetically pleasing drawings and paintings, or manipulate photographs, to concisely convey their ideas in a way that can be understood universally and can be spread easily.
The video, "Is Photoshop remixing the world", discusses how Photoshop is used in the modern age as a tool of expression, specifically with various internet memes. One meme from the video that stands out is the Thumbs & Ammo meme. This meme is remarkable because it doesn't require accompanying text and generally involves popular icons that are recognizable across the world. Because these popular icons are used in this meme, the message that is carried in the Photoshopped image can be understood universally. An example of this is the Photoshopped picture of Rambo, a popular action-hero, from the most recent Rambo film, where John Rambo is giving two thumbs up. The scene in the movie where the original picture is from is a visceral scene where Rambo is operating a large machine-gun to carry out a massacre, but the Photoshopped version for the meme has the machine-gun removed and the hand gestures replaced with the two thumbs-up. This carries a universal message of "Peace instead of War", and the way it is conveyed in the image transcends cultural and language barriers. This specific image and the way it conveys its message would not have been possible without Photoshop.
In my collage, I wanted to express the idea that this use of Photoshop is not limited to any specific brand of ideas. It can be used to convey ideas both new and old, in a way that can be understood across the world without the need for an interpreter.
Source Images Used:
Predator UAV Drone
Apple iPhone 5
Nissan Sedan
Acer Aspire Laptop
Planet Earth
The Forbidden City
Ancient Greek Structure
Giza Pyramids
Discus Thrower
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